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Alumni Department


For close to 40 years, the Alumni of the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA) have played a significant role in defining and shaping the Church and society in the AMECEA region and beyond.  Efforts to establish a strong Alumni Association to provide opportunities for Alumni to reconnect with their Alma Mater, to recognize the contributions of graduates to industry and the wider community, and to encourage the Alumni to support each other and their University in various ways has now become real.

The focus of CUEA Alumni Relations is to engage Alumni on a much broader scale, so that we may move to maximize existing potentials.

The Catholic University of Eastern Africa Alumni Relations Office (CUEA-ARO) was established in October 2007.  The Alumni Relations Office’s aim is to re-engage CUEA with its alumni.  CUEA Alumni form a 26,000 strong network that has outstanding professionals and scholars serving across Africa and the world.

The CUEA Alumni Association is slowly but surely growing. Below is a snippet on the Association’s membership criteria and its benefits.

  • For those seeking employment, internship or attachment opportunities, provide ARD with your CV as an email attachment to: and update it regularly. The CV should indicate graduation date and expected grade (e.g. “Class Honors’, 2nd Upper Division Honors...}. Equally, kindly furnish ARD with job and career opportunities information to benefit other alumni.
  • The CUEA Alumni Association (CUEA-AA) membership fees are as follows:
    Kshs 500 Registration
    Kshs 200 Monthly subscription
    For more details and enquiries contact: Email:

Alumni Stories

Njeri Florence, CUEA Students President 2021-2022.


Njeri Florence, CUEA Students President 2021-2022.
Bachelor of Commerce, Accounting Major – Class of 2022

My CUEA experience has been great. In our First Year, we were well received and on-boarded into the University. Apart from academics, we were introduced to clubs, sports, Spiritual movements, and other university activities. I joined and actively participated in the spiritual movements, where I not only grew spiritually but had opportunities to travel for spiritual recollection in places like Subukia Shrine, Komarock Shrine, and Resurrection Garden.

Socially, I have been part of team-building activities in Ngong’ Hills, Hells Gate, Mt Longonot, Kilima Mbogo, and even Mombasa. I also became a Knowledge Ambassador supporting CUEA’s Digital Library and interacting with users.

Nature Nurture Club educated me on the importance of taking care of mother nature, and we planted so many trees in the University compound.

The Student activities such as Fresher’s Bash, Club’s week, International Dinner, Cultural Week, Mr and Miss CUEA, and Finalist Dinner, were amazing and great opportunities to have fun and link up, and create connections with other students and guests.

I have also been lucky to attend Alumni Talks, the CUEA International Women’s Day forum, and other external activities that CUEA hosted, including East Africa’s Got Talent and Presidential Media Debates.

I appreciate that the University’s leadership listens to the students and keeps an open-door policy. Through God’s Grace, I had an opportunity to also serve as a leader in various positions, including secretary to the Spiritual Movements Committee, Chairperson of the same committee, Secretary of the University Pastoral Council, and President, during my Fourth Year. This has sharpened and shaped me as a leader who is able to engage, influence, and inspire.

Robert Rapando, recieves his Top40 Under40 award

Briefly introduce yourself 

My name is Robert Rapando. I work at Amref Health Africa as a Health Systems Strengthening Specialist. I pursued my Master’s degree in Development Studies and graduated in October 2021 from the Catholic University of Eastern Africa. What does your work entail? My work entails building capacity and securing the commitment of county and national officials to provide good healthcare to the people. I also mobilize and organize local community-based organizations as well as communities to push for quality health services from the government. 

Describe your CUEA experience and how it has contributed to who you are today 

My decision to pursue Development Studies at CUEA was a well-thought-out idea. My first degree is in Political Science. Initially, I was to pursue a career within the Provincial Administration. However, I opted out and went into the NGO space where I have done a lot of work in youth programs, governance projects, and now health systems strengthening. Development Studies provided me the leeway to navigate well in the development space. I must however say that finding a balance between full-time employment, family and studies was not easy. I enrolled in January 2016 and finished classwork on schedule. However, the closure of the Kisumu Campus when I had just defended my project proposal threw me off balance. Transitioning to Eldoret Gaba Campus, then later losing my supervisor – the late Mr. Agembo made me lose morale in continuing with the research project. Were it not for my other supervisor – Sr. Lucy who literally dragged the four of us that had dropped off, I wouldn’t have graduated in 2021. CUEA is one institution that I would recommend anytime. 

In what way have CUEA’s values impacted your life professionally and personally?

Working in some of the remotest and most marginalized parts of this country requires commitment and an innate drive. CUEA’s conviction that the Spirit of the Lord enables human beings to find meaning in life correlates with my personal commitment and the work that I do, to ensure that no child dies from treatable preventable causes and no mother dies while giving life. 

Tell us what it was like to emerge in the 2021#Top40Under40 list. How did you get there and what does it mean to your career now and going forward?

The phone call from the Nation Media team informing me that I was a 2021#Top40Under40 got me by surprise. I never saw it coming. Top40Under40 is an initiative by Business Daily to recognize influential and progressive personalities that have left a mark in corporate Kenya and in business. I was nominated for my work over the years. First for providing leadership in the formation of Kisii Youth Bunge Sacco which was initiated in 2012 under the USAID funded Yes Youth Can project. It started with 45 members and 12,000/= shillings. Today, the Sacco has grown membership to over 6000 and its worth is over Kshs. 50Million. It is the best youth-owned, youth-led and youthmanaged Sacco in Kenya. It has created employment to 18 youths, and advanced loans to over 3000 members. Secondly, I was awarded for my work in strengthening health systems across the country. The #Top40Under40 has put me on the national map. I have received requests to give mentorship talks and offers for job opportunities. The award is not an end in itself and going forward I have to sustain the gains that placed me at the top while mentoring more young people to join the bandwagon for impact.

What would you describe as the critical success factors for one to do well in your field? 

1. Networking – Unlike in Government or private sector where contracts are long term or even permanent, the NGO contracts are mostly 1 year. To ensure that you remain relevant, you must be competent in your work as well as maintain close relationships with colleagues. The entire NGO space is like a member’s club and members of staff rotate within that space.

2. Effective communication & Negotiation -There is a lot of communication – vertical (with those in authority or communities) and horizontal (other stakeholders). To advocate for change you must be able to communicate effectively and also negotiate well.

3. Adaptable – The NGO space is a fast-paced space with a lot of new things and jargon. To be relevant, you must be aware of what’s happening in the industry then quickly adapt.

4. Passion and commitment – The NGOs largely advocate for the down-trodden in the society. From expanding the civic space to addressing poverty and health, they largely target and operate in areas that are marginalized. This calls for passion and commitment to see change.

How long did it take for you to find your first job after graduation? 

It took me 2.5 years to get my first job. During that period, I did post-graduation attachment (6 months) then unpaid internship (10 months). To survive in the city, I did a lot of online academic writing.

What advice would you give to the CUEA recent graduates?

1. Packaging yourself for the job market

I have a belief that education pays irrespective of how long it takes to secure that job, it will happen at one point. You only need to stay focused to the goal. The degree course you pursue today might not be what will pay your bills out there. The job market is very competitive and dynamic and as such one has to acquire soft skills, be willing to quickly adapt to new fields and enroll for short courses that directly respond to the needs of the job market. In Development Studies we are taught that friend-raising is fundraising. Expand your network through social networks such as LinkedIn, campus colleagues and social events and through that you increase your chances of securing opportunities.

2. Being patient as you hunt for opportunities

The job market today is not for the faint-hearted. You must have a positive attitude. Some of your peers will land jobs immediately after graduation while others will take longer secure their first job. The race is not against each other. Just be patient, remain focused and keep pushing. I know an engineer friend that tarmacked for 6 years but once he landed his first job caught up with his peers in less than six months. With a degree you can never go wrong!

3. How to attack the job market?

There are no scientific formulas in the job market. It is about how you utilize your inherent talents, opportunities available and being consistent in what you do. It’s possible that an opportunity that other 500 applicants are eying will end up in your hands. The starting point after campus is to manage your own expectations – come to terms with the fact that things might not always go as per your wish. At this period, utilize your soft skills – could be writing or doing volunteer work. It is better to acquire skills and experience through volunteer work than to stay home and miss both the money as well as experience. Have a succinct resume (not more than 2 pages for fresh graduates). Never apply for jobs in a hurry or by just forwarding the application via the phone or email. Each job application must be tailored to suit the job description. Network! Network! and network! Your referee is as good as your skills and academic papers. Most jobs today are posted online, therefore subscribe to legitimate job sites, and check your emails at least every 24 hours. You can also send unsolicited applications to select institutions because not all organizations advertise. Lastly, never ever pay any money to secure a job. Most likely you will be conned. I am sure no employer asks for money from potential employees.

What advice would you give to ongoing students? 

1. Enjoy Campus responsibly: If you have the opportunity to travel the country, pitch your ideas or expand your skillset, do it now. Campus life is the best life you can live after heaven. Unfortunately, most lives are messed up in campus. Avoid drugs and alcohol if you want to make quicker strides in life.

2. Healthy relationships: Stay away from relationships that drain you emotionally. No girlfriend or boyfriend is worth dying for. Have a personal relationship with God. Always learn to do good to your friends and colleagues because most campus friends will define your future in the career space.

3. Personal Development: It’s not about what you learned or what you know but what you are willing to learn and know. Just stay focused, acquire soft skills and be of unquestionable integrity.

4. Managing moneyAnyone with an Identity Card can open and operate a bank account and or own a mobile phone. This is the time to start managing resources at your disposal – however little. During free time or during long holidays, engage in paid work to earn income, do small farming, engage in online jobs etc. Such side hustles will come in handy during the job-hunting phase. At a personal level, have a budget and learn to live within that budget. Only buy what you need.

5. Holistic Growth: A prayer will help you when you feel the world is turning against you. Being truthful and honesty will make your life easy and stress-free. Seek to do things that grow you mentally, emotionally, spiritually and intellectually. The idea is developing as a wholesome human being.

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P.O BOX 62157-00200
Nairobi, Kenya6

+254 (0) 709 691-503

Mon – Fri 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.

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