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Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe

Professor Josphert Ngui KIMATU

Co-Principal Investigator(South Eastern Kenya University, KENYA),

Professor Josphert Ngui Kimatu is a Kenyan co-Principal Investigator in the AJ-CORE project. He is an associate professor in the department of Life sciences at South Eastern Kenya University. His specialization area is Plant Molecular Epigenetics and Pathology. Other areas of speciality include Plant pathologist, Education Curriculum specialist, Botanist, Agricultural Extension: Post-harvest management consultant, Commission of University Peer Reviewer, Integrity Assurance Officer, Environmental Impact Assessment Expert, Online Educator. His research interests include plant epigenetics, crop improvement in abiotic stresses, aluminum toxicity, microbiome, oncology, genomics and microbial genetics, biodiversity and climate change. Has over 12 years’ experience working in higher education.