+254 (0) 709 691-000 +254 (0) 709 691-000
Directorate of

Academic Linkages

 Brief History

The Directorate of Academic Linkages promotes collaboration and partnership with other institutions of higher learning, corporate bodies, and other relevant organizations. It was established in 2004 to coordinate linkages with other institutions of higher learning. This was due to demand that there should be a central office to manage the ever-growing demands of institutes of higher learning that wanted to collaborate with the Catholic University of Eastern Africa. There was also a need to coordinate the existing collaborations.

The University also noted that collaboration with others is a new way of being a university. No university can exist in isolation. When universities collaborate in joint research and other kinds of linkages, they generate synergies that are able to offer better solutions to the world’s problems.

The Directorate at a Glance

The Directorate coordinates all kinds of academic linkages and offers the platform for exploring areas of cooperation. To help it do its work well, there is a Linkages Committee. This committee draws members from the various faculties in the University. Its primary duty is to deliberate on various issues and give direction to the Director of Academic Linkages. The committee has been instrumental in drafting policies and recommending to the Senate matters regarding linkages. The Directorate developed six policies that guide all actors in the process of collaboration. These policies address issues that will make the process of collaboration smooth and helpful. These policies have streamlined the process of collaboration. The three key procedures guiding the Directorate’s operations include:

  • Procedure for collaboration.
  • Procedure for establishing a constituent college.
  • Procedure for affiliation of colleges.

Formal collaboration and partnership put into place structures that should go beyond the individuals that initiated the partnerships. It also ensures continuity and mutuality between the two institutions. Collaboration is a positive force for capacity building. With well-defined collaboration, we can maximize the potential benefits of collaboration and minimize potential drawbacks.

Our Vision

The Directorate exists to steer CUEA to be a leading private University in teaching, research, innovation, and community service through strategic partnerships and collaborative engagement with local and global partners.

Our Mission Statement

The mission of the Directorate is to coordinate linkages with other institutions of higher learning. The Directorate of Academic Linkages seeks, supports, and strengthens partnerships with other world-class universities, institutions of higher learning, and corporate organizations to augment its expertise and realize its objectives.

  • To promote contact and cooperation with other institutions of higher education in the world.
  • To empower CUEA departments in their pursuit of academic collaboration with others institutes of higher education.
  • To coordinate applications for affiliation of colleges or establishment of constituent colleges and ensure a follow-up of the processes.
  • To promote and facilitate networking, effective collaboration, and sharing of experiences with other institutions of higher education in teaching, learning, and research.
  • To maintain CUEA’s membership to professional Associations.
  • To stir CUEA’s participation and collaborative engagement with the said associations.
  • To ensure quality regular communication with the constituent affiliated colleges and all local and international partners

Functions of the Directorate of Academic Linkages
  • Initiate linkages and cooperation with interested parties
  • Coordinate affiliations including research affiliations for doctoral students
  • Advise Deans, Heads of Departments on affiliation and linkage matters
  • Work with relevant departments on matters of affiliation and linkages agreements and Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
  • Assess needs of Departments with regards to linkages with other institutions
  • Coordinate exchange programs and sabbatical leaves
  • Sustain local and international collaborations
Activities of the Directorate of Academic Linkages
  • Correspondence with current and prospective partners
  • Facilitating affiliations and collaborations
  • Organizing workshops and conferences involving partners
  • Liaison with partners on issues of mutual benefit as spelt out in MoU
  • Running the Resource Centre on Academic Linkages, Collaboration and Partnership; many members of staff borrow books from our resource centre
  • Advising staff and students on scholarships calls for papers and fellowships opportunities through the Academic Linkages Notice Board, emails, brochure and Newsletters
  • Facilitating membership to Professional and Institutional Associations
  • Updating the information on CUEA inthe above Associations
  • Coordinating the signing of MoU (see Procedure on Collaboration)
  • Overseeing and monitoring the implementation of the signed MoU
  • Participating in joint researches and publications
  • Rallying CUEA teams to participate in joint researches with our partners, seminars, workshops and conferences
  • Conducting situation analysis on the status of linkages
  • Evaluating existing linkages
  • Generating policies on linkages
Constituent Colleges

CUEA has five Constituent Colleges namely:

Affiliate Colleges are;
  • Don Bosco Philosophicum, Moshi
  • Spiritan Missionary Seminary, Arusha
  • Christ the King Major Seminary, Nyeri
  • Institute of Catechetics and Pastoral Ministry, Chemchemi ya Uzima
  • Catholic University of South Sudan
  • Institute of Religious Studies, Asmara
  • St. Augustine Teachers College, Ishiara
  • Psycho-Spiritual Institute (PSI)

Partnerships and Collaborations
  • American University Abroad
  • Assumption University, Thailand
  • Brookhouse Schools
  • College of the Holy Cross, USA
  • The Economy of Communion Focolare Movement, Italy
  • Foro Europeo: The Business School of Navarra, Spain
  • Georgetown University, USA
  • IÉSEG School of Management, France
  • Liverpool Hope University, UK
  • Loyola University, USA
  • Marywood University
  • Mwenge University College, Tanzania
  • Providence University, Taiwan
  • Scranton University, USA
  • St. Augustine’s University of Mwanza, Tanzania
  • St. Benedict College and St John’s University Minnesota, USA
  • St. Elisabeth University, Slovakia
  • St. John’s University, USA
  • Uganda Martyrs University of Nkonzi, Uganda
  • University of Notre Dame, USA
  • University for Peace (UPEACE), Costa Rica

Corporate Partners
  • African Sisters Education Collaborative (ASEC) – Nairobi office
  • The International Business Machines (IBM)
  • Linux Professional Institute (LPI)

University Bodies

At present, CUEA is a member of various associations in institutions of higher education, among them:

  1. International Association of Universities (IAU)
  2. Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU)
  3. International Federation of Catholic Universities (IFCU)
  4. Association African Universities (AAU).
  5. Association of Catholic University and Higher Institutes of Africa and Madagascar (ACUHIAM)
  6. Inter-University Council of East Africa (IUCEA)
  7. Council for Catholic Higher Education in AMECEA Region (CCHEAR)
  8. World Conference of Catholic University Institutions of Philosophy (COMIUCAP)
  9. Kenya Association of Private Universities (KAPU)

Areas of Collaboration
  • Certification and curriculum development
  • Development of programmes that address both intellectual needs and market requirements
  • Use of external examiners in order to make CUEA academic programmes competitive
  • Joint research with other institutions with a view to forge a joint approach in seeking solutions to African problems
  • Staff and student exchange
  • Seminars, workshops and conferences
Window of Opportunity

The University welcomes partnerships, collaboration, and exchange with other leading institutions throughout the world. The University is also open for inquiries from Churches, businesses, governments, Civil Societies, and Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) seeking contract research and consultancy expertise.

The Directorate of Academic Linkages

The Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA)

Main Campus (Lan’gata)

P.O. Box 62157-00200 City Square


Tel. +254-709691000

or 0722-509811/2 or 0724-253733/4

Telephone Extensions: Director 1060; Deputy Director 1062; Secretary 1061


Contact Us

P.O BOX 62157-00200
Nairobi, Kenya6

 +254-(0) 709691-000

Mon – Fri 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.

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