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Prof. Getui Mary

Prof. Getui Mary


  • Mary N. Getui, Luiz Carlos Susin and Beatrice W. Churu (E.Ds.), Spirituality for Another Possible
    World, Nairobi, Twaweza Communications Ltd, 2008
    Mary N. Getui (Ed) Responsible Leadership in Marriage and Family, Nairobi, Acton Publishers,
    J. K. Mugambi and Mary N. Getui (E.Ds.) Religions in Eastern Africa under Globalization, Nairobi,
    Acton Publishers. 2004.
    Mary N. Getui and Wasye’ Musyoni (E.Ds.). Overcoming Violence: A Faith Based Response,
    Nairobi, National Council of Churches, 2003
    Mary N. Getui and Hazel Ayanga (Eds) Conflicts in Africa: A Woman Response, Nairobi Faith
    Institute of Counselling, 2002
    Mary N. Getui and Mathew M. Theuri (Eds) Quests for Abundant Life in Africa, Nairobi Acton
    Publishers, 2001
    Mary N. Getui, Tinyiko Maluleke and Justin Ukpong (Eds) Interpreting the New Testament in
    Africa, Nairobi, Acton Publishers, 2001.
    Mary N. Getui, Victor Zinkuratire and Knut Holter (Eds) Interpreting the Old Testament in Africa,
    Nairobi, Acton Publishers, 2001 (Also published by Peter Lang, 2000)
    Mary N. Getui and Peter Kanyandago (Eds) From Violence to Peace, Nairobi, Acton Publishers,
    Mary N. Getui and Emmanuel A. Obeng (Eds) Theology of Reconstruction, Nairobi, Acton
    Publishers, 1999
    Mary N. Getui (Eds) Theological Method and Aspects of Worship in African Christianity, Nairobi,
    Acton Publishers, 1998
    Grace Wamue and Mary N. Getui, Violence Against Women: Reflection by Kenyan Women
    Theologians, Nairobi, Acton Publishers, 1996
    b) Articles in Books and Journals
    “Contribution of Women Missionaries in Education in Kenya”, Adhiambo, Jacinta M, Getui, Mary
    N. and Wachira, Nancy in Wakiaga, Lucy A. (Ed), Women’s Contribution to Higher Education and
    Social Transformation: Implications for Policy and Praxis from Kenya, Springer, 2022
    Land and Spirituality in the African Socio-Cultural Context in Jahaz – Culture, Arts and
    Performance, Vol 10, Issue 3, 2022 (special issue on Land Governance, culture and Heritage).
    Book Review “The Power of the Word, A History of the Seventh-day Adventism in Central Kenya,
    Highlighting the Role of Mama Eunice Njoki Wangai” in Journal of African Christian Biography,
    Volume 7, No. 1, 2022
    “Community on Mission in a World Wounded by Poverty in Ecclesia Futures” Churu, B. W &
    Getui, M.N., 21, 2021
    “The Impact of Jonathan J. Bonk On my Perception of Missions and Money and Lessons for Life,”
    in Journal of African Christian Biography, Volume 5, No. 4, 2020
    “Masculinity and Public Space in the Greco-Roman Period” by Getui, M. N. and Richard, G. K.
    Stellenbosch Theological Journal, Volume 6, No. 1, 2020
    “Religious Collaboration Enhances Patient Satisfaction among Faith Based Groups and Health
    Facilities in Western Kenya” by Getui, M. N., Aluku, N. C. and Story, W. T. Journal for the Study
    of the Religions of Africa and its Diaspora. Volume 5, No. 1, 2019
    “Religious Identity/Identities Between Indigenous Religion and Christianity in Kenya” in
    Heimbach-Steins Marianne and Könemann Judith (HG), ReligioseIdentitaten in
    EinerGlobalizierten Welt, Munster, AschendorffVerlag, 2019
    “Faith and Culture” in Ross, Kenneth R., Asamoah- Gyadu J. Kwabena and Johnson Todd M (Eds)
    Christianity in Sub-Saharan Africa, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2017
    “Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Africa” in Isabel ApawoPhiri and Detrich Werner; Chammah
    Kaunda and Kennedy Owino (Eds) Anthology of African Christianity, Oxford, Regnum Books
    International, 2016
    “Gender and Democracy in Kenya” in Religion, Humanity and Dignity Gerald Bodoo (Ed). Sao
    Leopoldo; Okois, 2016
    “Theological Education in the Seventh Day Adventist Church” in Isabel ApawoPhiri and Dietrich
    Werner (Eds) Handbook of Theological EducationDorpspruit, Cluster Publications, 2013
    “Challenges Facing African Women in Leadership Positions in Church and State: A SocioTheological Critique” in Nathanael YaoriSoede and Ignace Ndongala (Eds) The Church in Africa
    50 Years After States Independence Association of African Theologians Abidjan, 2013
    “Religion and Social Sciences in the Christian Social Encounter” Biannual Journal of the Centre
    for Social Justice and Ethics, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa. Issue No. 1 January – June
    “Enhancing Quality Education and Eradicating Poverty through Community Service”, in Quality
    of Catholic University Education, Nairobi, Acuhiam Journal, 2009
    “The Ethnicity Factor in Politics, Religion and Conflict” in A. Tarimo& P. Manwelo (Eds),
    Ethnicity, Conflict and the Future of African States, Nairobi, Pauline’s Publications Africa, 2009
    “Faith and Interfaith Dialogue in Women’s Groups in Kenya” in Frederic NtendikaMvumbi (Eds)
    Interfaith Dialogue: Towards a Culture of Working Together, The Catholic University of Eastern
    Africa, 2009
    “Culture, Religion and Identity” in Kimani Njogu (Eds) Culture, Performance and Identity, Nairobi,
    Twaweza Communications, 2008
    “Justice and Peace: A Theological Perspective” in African Ecclesial Review AFER Vol. 50, Nos.
    3 & 4, December 2008. Eldoret, AMECEA Gaba
    “Leading and Being Led by the Aging, Retired and Retrenched” in Mary N. Getui (Eds)
    Responsible Leadership in Marriage and Family, Nairobi, Acton Publishers, 2008
    “Trade in the African Indigenous Set-up Theological Implication for Economic partnership
    Agreement” in Quest for Fair Trade Focus on Economic Partnership Agreements. Nairobi, Beacon,
    “La Teologia Del PluraismoReligiosoen Africa” and “Salvacion y Sanacion: UN
    PlanteamientoTeologicoAfricano.” In Jose Maria Vigil, Luiza E. Tomita Y Marcelo Barros (rogs)
    Por Los Muchos Caminos De Dios IV, Quito, 2006
    “Ireri wa Irugu” and “Sakagwa” in Phyllis G. Jestice (Editor). Holy People of the World A Crosscultural Encyclopedia’ Volume One A-G Santa Barbara, California ABC-CLIO, Inc. 2004.
    “The Plight of Children Infected with or Affected by HIV/AIDS” in Mercy AmbaOduyoye and
    Elizabeth Amoah (Eds). People of faith and the Challenge of HIV/AIDS, Ibadan, Sefer, 2004
    “The Place and Role of Women in African Theology” in African Christian Studies, Quarterly
    Journal of the Faculty of Theology Catholic University of eastern Africa, Vol. 19 Number 3,
    September 2003.
    “Women of Many Worlds” in Mary N. Getui and Hazel Ayanga (Eds) Conflicts in Africa: A
    Woman Response, Nairobi, Faith Institute of Counselling, 2002
    “The Reality of Marginalization: The Problem of Enslavement” in Peter Kanyandogo (General
    Editor) Marginalized Africa An International Perspective, Nairobi, Pauline’s Publications Africa
    “Ethnocentrism from a Missionary Point of View: A Response” in Patrick Ryan (Ed) Ethnocentrism
    and Ethnic Conflict in Africa, Nairobi, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa, 2001
    Raul Fornet-BetanClurt (Hrsg) Theologieim III. Millennium – Quos Vadis? Main Frankfurt, Ikoverlag fur interkulturellekommunikation, 2000
    “Eschatology” and “Reign of God” in Virginia Fabella, M.M. and R.S Ssugirtharaja (Editors) in
    Dictionary of Third World Theologies, Maryknoll, New York, Orbis 2000
    “The Food Crisis in Africa” in Mary N. Getui and Emmanuel A. Obeng (Eds) Theology of
    Reconstruction, Nairobi, Acton Publishers, 1999; also published in journal of Black Theology in
    South Africa Vol 10 No 2 November, 1996