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Dr. Wamalwa, Fred Khisa, PhD.

Dr. Wamalwa, Fred Khisa, PhD.

Development Studies,
Department of Development Studies,
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Gaba Campus, ELDORET.


Dedicated University Lecturer with over seven years of experience in University education and 8 years industry  experience. Specialized in development Studies (DS), Project Planning and Management (PPM), and International Relations (IR) courses. His role helps students to develop essential skills to succeed in a 
competitive environment.


  1. Mutio JM, Kebeney S, Njoroge R, Churu H, Ng’etich W, Mugaa D, Alkamoi B and Wamalwa F (2023). Effect of land rehabilitation measures on soil organic carbon fractions in semi-arid environments. Front. Sustain. Food Syst. 7:1095865. doi: 10.3389/fsufs.2023.109586.

  2. Wamalwa, F.K. & Chepsiror, E. (2022). Research Culture: Science from Establishment to Sustenance at the Development Studies Department, CUEA, Eldoret. [Under Review]

  3. Okoth N.O. and Wamalwa, F. (2022). Factors Influencing Persons with Disability Participation in Socioeconomic Development in Seme Sub-County, Kenya. Journal of Poverty, Investment and Development ISSN 2520-5196 (online) Vol.7, Issue 1, No.4. pp.44 – 73.

  4. Churu, H., Kamau, S., Ngetich, W., Magiroi, K., Alkamoi, B., Njoroge, R., and Wamalwa, F. (2022). Spatial-temporal influence of sand dams on chemical and biophysical properties of water harvested from scooping holes in degraded semi-arid areas. [Submitted for Publication]

  5. Mutio, JM., Njoroge, R., Kebeney, S., Churu, H., Alkamoi, B., Wamalwa, F. (2022). Dynamics of Terrace Adoption, Propagation, Benefits & Challenges among Dryland Agro-Pastoralist Communities of West Pokot. [Submitted for Publication]

  6. Collins A. F., Wamalwa, F.K., and Achieng’ L.(2022). Effects of Contract Farming on Small-Scale Tobacco Farmers’ Livelihood in Kuria Sub-County, Kenya. [Under Review]

  7. Jerop, E., Ng’eno, E. and Wamalwa, FK.(2022). Socio-Economic Factors Affecting Milk Production among Smallholder Dairy Farmers in South and West Pokot Sub-Counties, Kenya.[Under review]

  8. Simon O. O., Wamalwa, FK. & Munyua J. (2021). Effect of Cash Transfer Programme on Health Needs of Vulnerable Children and Orphans in Langas, Eldoret, Kenya. Sch J Arts Humanit Soc Sci, 2021 Sept 9(9): 375-383. ISSN 2347-9493

  9. Simon O., Wamalwa, F. & Mutukaa S. (2021). Relationship between Cash Transfer Programme and Education of OVC Beneficiaries in Langas, Eldoret. Journal of Arts and Humanities 3(6): 341-355. ISSN 1569-9986

  10. Wamalwa, F.K. (2020). Household Resource Capabilities and Risk Perception in Dryland Areas: Implications for Development Interventions, Global Scientific Journals, 8(9), 2087-2098. ISSN 2320-9186.

  11. Wamalwa, F.K. (2020). Household Categories and Livelihood Choices in Dryland Areas: Perspectives for Development Management and Policy, Global Scientific Journals, 8(10), 241-257. ISSN 2320-9186.

  12. Wamalwa F.K, Mwaura F.O. & Ayuke, F. (2018). Analysis of Socioeconomic Characteristics that Contextualize Livelihoods in the Semi-Arid Area of Kieni, Kenya, International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research, 6(4), 1-12. ISSN 2348-3164

  13. Wamalwa F.K, Mwaura F.O. & Ayuke, F. (2018). The Moderating Effect of Rural Extension Services on Livelihood Choices in Kieni Semi-Arid Area of Kieni, Kenya, International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research, 6(4), 20-31. ISSN 2348-3156

  14. Wamalwa F.K, Mwaura F.O. & Ayuke, F. (2018). The Influence of Household Assets on Livelihood Choices in Kieni Sub Counties, Kenya, International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research, 6(2), 189-206. ISSN 2348-3156

  15. Wamalwa F.K, Mwaura F.O. & Ayuke, F. (2018). The impact of livelihood choices on deforestation in Kieni Sub Counties, Kenya, International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research, 6(2), 265-280. ISSN 2348-3156


  1. Wamalwa, F.K. (2020). Household Risk Coping Strategies in Dryland Areas: The Case of The Northern Region of Meru Central District, Kenya. (Publication No. 28095134) [Master’s Thesis, Wageningen University and Research Centre]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.

  2. Wamalwa, F.K.(2018). The effect of strategic change on job satisfaction in Community Development Trust Fund, Kenya, International Journal of Thesis Projects and Dissertations, 6(4), 1-33.

Theses and Technical Papers:

  1. Wamalwa, F.K. (2019). Rural livelihood choices impact on environmental degradation in Kieni East and Kieni West Sub Counties, Kenya. (PhD Thesis, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Nairobi, Kenya).

  2. Wamalwa, FK. (2010). The Effect of Strategic Change on Community Development Trust Fund, Kenya. (MBA Thesis, Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya).

  3. Wamalwa, FK. (2005). Pastoral Community Contributes to Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Achievements, Tana River District, Nairobi Kenya, August 2005, CDTF Document.

  4. Wamalwa, F. K. (2004). Partnerships for Water Security – The case of Ndome Community, Taita Taveta District (EU, Head of Delegation In Kenya).

  5. Wamalwa, F.K. (2001). Household Risk Coping Strategies in Dryland Areas: The Case of the Northern Region of Meru Central District, Kenya (MSc Thesis, Wageningen University, The Netherlands).

  6. Wamalwa, FK, et al. (1999). East and Southern African Consultation on Water for Food and Rural Development Regional Expert Consultation Report, Harare, Zimbabwe. FAO Document.

  7. Wamalwa, FK. (2000). Irrigation Financing Policy in Kenya, unpublished Wageningen Agricultural University document.

  8. Wamalwa, FK. & Uberrhuaga, P. (2000). What is Social Capital? An Analysis of Dimensions of Social Capital and Its Measurement, Unpublished Wageningen Agricultural University document.

  9. Wamalwa, FK. & Noordam, M. (2000). Can A Better Bargaining Position Within Intra-household Section Solve The Gender Issue? Unpublished Wageningen Agricultural University document.

  10. Wamalwa, FK. & Njuguna, E. (1999). Kenya Rural Financial Markets. Unpublished Wageningen Agricultural University document.

  11. Ambunya N & Wamalwa, F.K. (1999). Cost Recovery Approach to Smallholder Irrigation Development in Kenya, paper presented to Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development and International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), Nairobi, Kenya.

  12. Wamalwa, FK. (1999). Improvement of Women Participation in Water User Associations, SISDO/Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development document, Nairobi.

  13. Wamalwa, FK. & Obange, CO. (1996). Socio-Economic Analysis of Ciambaraga Irrigation Project, Chuka District: An Appraisal Report, for SISDO/Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development, Nairobi.

  14. Wamalwa, FK. & Obange, CO. (1995). Socio-Economic analysis of Kagati Irrigation Project, Nyeri, Kenya: An Appraisal Report, for SISDO/Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development, Nairobi.

  15. Wamalwa, FK. (1990). The Socio-economic Impact of Smallholder Tea Farming Sector in Nyameche Division, in Kisii District, unpublished University of Nairobi document.

Conference Abstracts/Presentations:

  1. Wamalwa, F., Ng’etich, W., Njoroge, R., Kebeny, S., Alkamoi, B., and Churu, H. (2023). Household agro enterprise incomes and soil and water conservation activities in Chepareria ward, West Pokot, Kenya: The Moderating Effect of Social Capital. (Upcoming)

  2. Wamalwa, F.K., and Mwaura, F.O. (2023). Rural household livelihood activities effect on perceived soil erosion in Kieni East and Kieni West Sub Counties of Nyeri County, Kenya. (Upcoming)