The CUEA Faculty of Theology is under the direction of the Holy See, governed by the Apostolic Constitution Veritatis Gaudium and grants ecclesiastical degrees. The Faculty collaborates closely with the Congregation for Catholic Education – Rome, producing innovative graduates for the Church and Society. The graduates are employed in Church institutions, seminaries and houses of formation. The Faculty which attracts students from AMECEA region and beyond has continued its tradition of quality research and publishing through the Faculty Journal, African Christian Studies. The journal attracts researchers from within and outside the Faculty and CUEA Faculty members actively participate in conferences, seminars, public lectures and workshops in and outside the University. The Faculty has also published quality books under the series, Studies in African Christian Theology. The Faculty Interdisciplinary Theological Session is held every year and proceedings are published.
He is a Catholic priest of the Archdiocese of Arusha, Tanzania. He holds a Doctorate (STD) in Moral Theology from the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium (2003); Masters in Moral Theology from the Catholic University of Leuven (1998); Licentiate in Moral Theology from The Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Kenya (1992); Advanced Diploma in Theology from St. Paul’s Senior Seminary – Tabora, Tanzania. He is a Moral Theologian whose research and teaching spheres include: Social Teaching of the Church, Nature and Research in Moral Theology, Bioethics, Living and Promoting Justice and Peace, Ethics of Human Rights, and Ecological Ethics. He has a notable interest in African Theology. He has supervised ten (10) doctoral dissertations and thirty-seven (37) licentiate theses. Rev. Prof. Rwiza was a Visiting Professor Fellow in the Jesuit Institute, Boston College, USA (August – December 2019)
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He is a Catholic priest of the Archdiocese of Arusha, Tanzania. He holds a Doctorate (STD) in Moral Theology from the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium (2003); Masters in Moral Theology from the Catholic University of Leuven (1998); Licentiate in Moral Theology from The Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Kenya (1992); Advanced Diploma in Theology from St. Paul’s Senior Seminary – Tabora, Tanzania. He is a Moral Theologian whose research and teaching spheres include: Social Teaching of the Church, Nature and Research in Moral Theology, Bioethics, Living and Promoting Justice and Peace, Ethics of Human Rights, and Ecological Ethics. He has a notable interest in African Theology. He has supervised ten (10) doctoral dissertations and thirty-seven (37) licentiate theses. Rev. Prof. Rwiza was a Visiting Professor Fellow in the Jesuit Institute, Boston College, USA (August – December 2019). He was a visiting scholar and affiliate staff in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies, University of Glasgow, Scotland (2016/2017).
Rev. Prof. Rwiza has an enormous combination of pastoral and academic experience. He has a considerable amount of publications, including 3 books and over 20 book chapters, and various articles published in several international and local peer-reviewed journals. Prof. Rwiza is a renowned author of a unique work: Ethics of Human Rights: The African Contribution. This publication goes to the root of human rights in the African context in a refreshing manner. It captures the views of some of the original thinkers on the concept, who have been completely ignored in the mainstream human rights discourse. His recent work is, Environmental Ethics in the African Context, This remarkable contribution continues to fill an existing gap in the literature taught in applied ethics courses in the African and Christian contexts. Rev. Prof. Rwiza is a member of various professional organizations, including Catholic Theologian Ethics in the World Church, Association of African Theologians (AAT/ATA), He has also periodically served as Secretary-General of the Archdiocese of Arusha (2003-2007) and Head of Department of Moral Theology (2008-2017).
Certificate & Diploma
-Diploma in Theology
-Bachelor of Theology
-Baccalaureate in Sacred Theology
Master of Theology with specialization in;
-Biblical Theology
-Dogmatic Theology
-Spiritual Theology
-Pastoral Theology
-Moral Theology
-Sacred Liturgy
Licentiate in Sacred Theology with specialization in;
-Biblical Theology
-Dogmatic Theology
-Moral Theology
Doctor of Philosophy in Theology with a specialization in;
-Biblical Theology
-Dogmatic Theology
-Spiritual Theology
-Pastoral Theology
-Moral Theology
-Sacred Liturgy
Doctorate in Sacred Theology with specialization in;
-Biblical Theology
-Dogmatic Theology
-Moral Theology
Pastoral Theology is one of the departments in the Faculty of Theology, the Mother Faculty, of the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA).
The department has been in existence since the beginning of CUEA in 1984 then as the Catholic Higher Institute of Eastern Africa (CHIEA), after the approval by the Sacred Congregation for Catholic Education.
Pastoral Department: An organ of the Holy Spirit filled family of God, within the CUEA community life and mission, pastorally committed to Holistic Evangelization and Integral Development.
To liberate and transform God’s family in AMECEA region and beyond to a credible and prophetic witness to Christ’s salvific event, by promoting reverential dialogue, unity, reconciliation, justice, peace and solidarity, through:
The mandate of the department is of a pastoral and academic nature and includes the following:
Moral Theology Department is the research, teaching and community services department in the Faculty of Theology at the Catholic University of Eastern Africa. It has existed since 1984 then the Catholic Higher Institute of Eastern Africa (CHIA) now known as The Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA) whose philosophy stresses free search for the whole truth about nature, humanity, and God.
Our Motto: Christ, Our hope and strength of our faith
Our Vision: To be a world-class theological department preparing creative and competent moral theology alumni in the light of Catholic moral tradition and social thought.
Our Mission: To promote critical approach to moral issues and morally responsible practice in teaching, learning, research, and community engagement through:
Our Mandate: The academic staff and students in the Department of Moral Theology believe that human persons make themselves to be the kind of persons they are, in and through the actions they freely and responsibly choose to do or avoid. In light of this moral conviction, the department is committed to:
Our Program of Studies: 2 years – Licentiate /Master’s Degrees, & 4 years – Doctorate Degree in Moral Theology in the following areas of specialization: Moral theology of marriage, family and human sexuality; biblical and Patristics’ moral thought; history of moral theology; fundamental moral principles; conscience and moral truth, freedom and law, sin, the moral act; Thomism; morality and the renewal of socio-economic and political life; human dignity and rights in the Catholic social thought; integration of personalism in social ethics, sexual ethics, biomedical ethics; justice and peace; political and environmental/ecological ethics related to Bible and the Catholic social thought; and the integration of post-Vatican II person-centred and community-oriented moral theology which is open to transcendence.
Academic Staff in Moral Theology Department
Head of Department
Rev. Dr. Emmanuel Wabanhu, STB (Pontifical Urbaniana University, Rome), Theology; STL/MA (Catholic University Leuven, Belgium), Religious Studies & Moral Theology; STD/PhD (Catholic University, Leuven, Belgium), Moral Theology/Business Ethics.
Full Time Lecturers:
Rev. Dr. Prof. Richard Rwiza, STL (CUEA), Moral Theology; MA (Catholic University Leuven, Belgium), Moral Theology; STD/PhD (Catholic University Leuven, Belgium), Moral Theology/Human Rights.
Part Time Lecturers:
Note: All the admissions are dealt with by the Office of the University Registrar.
P.O BOX 62157-00200
Nairobi, Kenya6
+254 (0) 709 691201
Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.
join cuea today
CUEA is a premier private international university whose mission is to produce authentic leaders and upright members of the Church and Society capable of contributing to sustainable Development according to God’s plan.
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Our Programs
Certificate & Diploma
-Diploma in Theology
-Bachelor of Theology
-Baccalaureate in Sacred Theology
Master of Theology with specialization in;
-Biblical Theology
-Dogmatic Theology
-Spiritual Theology
-Pastoral Theology
-Moral Theology
-Sacred Liturgy
Licentiate in Sacred Theology with specialization in;
-Biblical Theology
-Dogmatic Theology
-Moral Theology
Doctor of Philosophy in Theology with a specialization in;
-Biblical Theology
-Dogmatic Theology
-Spiritual Theology
-Pastoral Theology
-Moral Theology
-Sacred Liturgy
Doctorate in Sacred Theology with specialization in;
-Biblical Theology
-Dogmatic Theology
-Moral Theology
Join us Today!
The Faculty of Theology of The Catholic University of Eastern Africa is aware of its aim of profoundly studying and systematically explaining, according to the scientific method proper to it, Catholic doctrine, derived with the greatest care from divine revelation; and of carefully seeking solutions to human problems in the light of that same revelation (Cf. Sap Chr Art.66.) It recognizes its duty to assist the local Churches in the challenging dialogue between faith and culture, between the Church and human society, between the Kingdom of God and the temporal realities through which the human family moves towards its final destiny. It has a role to play in implementing for Eastern Africa the dynamism of the Second Vatican Council. It has taken note of new developments since the approval of the Statutes of the Faculty of Theology by the Congregation for Catholic Education (Cf. Prot.N.279/81/E/107.)