We are specifically calling for proposals on the phenomena of reception, and even remodelling, of western fictional worlds in other cultural areas. Above all, we hope to supplement this issue by looking at the variety of worldbuilding strategies: the proven and efficient methods of the Japanese and Korean entertainment industries, successful fictional creations in Indian, Nigerian, Mexican, Turkish or Brazilian studios, and even the production of highly successful fictional worlds in countries less renowned for their capacity for cultural influence. In addition to insights from narratology, media cultures and game sciences, the journal will be attentive to anthropological, sociological, legal and/or economic approaches, based on field data from cultural areas whose worldbuilding practices have been overlooked.
For more Information click here.
- Start Date:April 10, 2024
- Start Time:07:00
- End Date:March 12, 2025
- End Time:10:00
- Number of Participants:200
- Location:Online
- Website:https://calenda.org/1146122