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Department of Biblical Theology


The Biblical Department of the Faculty of Theology is a pontifically recognized and has existed since the begining of The Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA) then known  as The Catholic Higher Institute of Eastern  Africa (CHIEA). It offers programmes for the  First Cycle (Baccalaureate/Bachelors); the Second Cycle  (Licentiate/Masters) and the Third Cycle (Doctorate/PhD).

In the first cycle of studies, the Faculty of Theology strives to:
1. initiate students into a global theological formation centred on Christ and on the
peoples of Africa within their cultural and ecological context in order to empower the
entire People of God to carry out effectively the mission of evangelisation;
2. offer an integrated education based on an interdisciplinary presentation of theological
and related disciplines along with an introduction to scientific methodology;
3. systematically present the salvific economy of God and the people’s response in the
light of the Sacred Scripture, the living tradition and the cultural context of this age;
4. respond to the African realities, world-views and other issues for an on-going process
of evangelisation and for integral human development;
5. form professional pastoral agents with a broad and holistic approach to human life
and its environment so as to serve as animators, formators and co-ordinators of the
Family of God at all levels.

The First Cycle programme shall extend over a period of three academic years. That is,
six semesters of 15 weeks each: 13 weeks for academic in-put and 2 weeks for


1. The pass mark in each course shall be 40 and the highest mark 78.
2. All courses shall be examined at the end of the semester in which they are taken.
Examinations shall consist of Continuous Assessment Tests (CATs) contributing
30% (24 marks) of the total, and the semester examinations, amounting to 70% (54
3. Trimester Examinations shall consist of questions covering each completed course;
the time allowed shall be according to the credits allotted to the course.
4. Classification of Exams and Degree

Classification shall be based on 133 credits. The total marks of the three years
including the project and the comprehensive examinations shall be calibrated to
arrive at the following classification of the degree:
70 – 78 (A – Summa cum Laude)
60 – 69 (B – Magna cum Laude)
50 – 59 (C – Cum Laude Probatus)
45 – 49 (D – Bene Probatus)
40 – 44 (F – Probatus)
5. Supplementary Examinations:
a) A mark obtained in a supplementary examination shall not exceed 40 marks and
shall not include Continuous Assessment marks.
b) A student who fails a supplementary examination will be required to repeat the
course. A student who fails again loses the course.
6. Repeating:
a) A candidate who fails more than 40% of the required credits shall repeat the
b) No candidate shall be allowed to repeat a semester more than once.
7. Discontinuation:
a) Except in the case of elective courses, a candidate who fails in all the courses
shall be discontinued.
b) A candidate repeating the semester, and fails in more than 40% of the required
credits, shall be discontinued.
8. Moderation of Examination:
The Departments Examination Board shall moderate drafts of examination papers for
each trimester before submission of the final examination draft to the examination office.
9. Approval of the Trimester’s marks or results:
When the trimester’s examinations have been marked, the results (or marks) should be
moderated, calibrated and approved by the Faculty Examination Board, before they are
forwarded to the Registrar’s Office.
10. Every Head of Department (HOD) shall administer the whole process of
examinations according to the Examinations Regulations.
11. Special Examinations:
If, because of unavoidable circumstances a candidate is unable to sit for one or more
examinations, or is unable to undertake essential parts of the work of the Continuous
Assessment Tests, he/she may, on the recommendation of the Departmental
Examination Board, be permitted to take Special Examinations. Likewise, if a student is
unable to undertake Continuous Assessment Tests for sound and proven reasons, he
or she may be allowed to take Special Examinations, which will be marked out of 78.

12. Award of Degree:
To be considered for the award of the degree, a candidate must obtain 133 credits and
must have passed all the courses.


1. Credits System
Courses are taught in a 3, 2 and 1 credit system. A credit is defined as the equivalent of
one contact hour per week, making 15 contact hours per semester.
All core courses are compulsory. Although students are required to do one elective
course per semester, they are encouraged to take more electives in order to broaden
knowledge in the relevant fields of interest.
2. Credit-Loading
Over three years, students shall have accumulated a minimum of 133 credits for course
work and project including the papers.
3. Languages
A University level proficiency and competency in English language is required, which
the Faculty may at its discretion verify. Besides English, the student is required to attain
the basics of another modern language (Italian, French, Spanish, or German)
Students are also required to have knowledge of the classical languages of Latin, Greek
and Hebrew. Those who lack this requirement shall be obliged to register with the
Language Programmes. The classical languages, Latin, Greek and Hebrew are
4. Computer Literacy
Students are expected to have sufficient knowledge and good aptitude in using the
computer for their academic works. Those who are in need of computer literacy skills,
shall take the courses offered by the Faculty.
NB: Some Students may do a Baccalaureate and some a Bachelor of theology

Core Courses Elective Courses Seminars
First Year 43 Credits
Second Year 52 Credits 2 Credits 2 Credits
Third Year 31 Credits 2 Credits

Interdisciplinary Session 1 Credit
Project 2 Credits

First Year
B-SS 111 Pentateuch (3 cr)
B-SS 112 Historical Books (2 cr)
B-SS 121 Synoptics: Mark & Matthew (2 cr)
B-SS 122 Luke & Acts (2 cr)
B-DT 100 Introduction and Fundamental Theology (3 cr)
B-DT 103 African Theology (3 cr)
B-MT 105 Fundamental Moral Theology I (3 cr)
B-MT 106 Fundamental Moral Theology II (3 cr)
B-SL 107 History of Liturgy (2 cr)
B-SL 108 Liturgy and Sacramental Theology (3 cr)
B-CH 112 Early History of the Church (3 cr)
B-CH 113 Evangelisation of North Africa until the 6 th century (2 cr)
B-P 115 Patrology (2 cr)
B-ST 109 Spiritual Theology (2 cr)
B-PT 110 Pastoral Theology (2 cr)
B-PT 111 Small Christian Communities in Africa (2 cr)
B-JC 114 General Norms of Canon Law (2 cr)
B-JC 117 The People of God (2 cr)

Second Year
B-SS 211 Prophetic Books (3 cr)
B-SS 212 Wisdom Literature & Psalms (3 cr)
B-SS 221 Letters of St. Paul (3 cr)
B-DT 203 Christology (3 cr)
B-DT 204 One God and the Holy Trinity (3 cr)
B-DT 205 Ecclesiology (3 cr)
B-DT 206 Mariology (2 cr)
B-MT 207 Sexual Ethics (3 cr)
B-MT 208 Moral Person (3 cr)
B-SL 209 Liturgy and Time (3 cr)
B-SL 210 Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist)(3 cr)
B-SL 211 The Eucharist (3 cr)
B-CH 215 History of Medieval Christianity (3 cr)
B-CH 216 Age of Reformation (2 cr)
B-ST 211 Spirituality in ATR (2 cr)
B-ST 219 Discernment of Vocation (2 cr)
B-PT 212 Pastoral Communication (2 cr)
B-PT 213 Pastoral Counselling (2 cr)

B-JC 214 Structures of Hierarchies and Ministries (2 cr)
B-JC 217 Penalties in the Church (2 cr)
Third Year
B-SS 321 John’s Gospel and Letters (3 cr)
B-DT 303 Christian Anthropology: Creation, Sin & Grace (3 cr)
B-DT 304 Eschatology (2 cr)
B-MT 306 Medical Ethics (2 cr)
B-MT 307 Social Ethics (2 cr)
B-SL 301 Sacraments of Healing (Penance & Anointing of the Sick) (2 cr)
B-SL 302 Sacraments of Service (Marriage & Ministries) (2 cr)
B-SL 303 Homiletics (2 cr)
B-CH 311 Evangelisation of Africa in the 19 th Century (2 cr)
B-ST 308 Resources in Spiritual Reading (3 cr)
B-PT 309 Missiology (2 cr)
B-PT 310 Catechetics (2 cr)
B-JC 312 Marriage and Procedures (2 cr)
B-JC 313 Discipline on Sacraments and Sacramentals (2 cr)

B-SSE 500 Letter to the Hebrews (2 cr)
B-SSE 501 Apocalypse of John (2 cr)
B-DTE 500 Trinity in the Context of Global Christian Revival (2 cr)
B-DTE 501 African Christologies (2 cr)
B-DTE 502 Theology of Church Encyclicals (2 cr)
B-MTE 500 African Morality (2 cr)
B-MTE 501 Environmental Ethics (2 cr)
B-MTE 502 Business Ethics (2 cr)
B-SLE 500 Oriental Ecclesiology (2 cr)
B-SLE 501 God’s Word in the Life of His People (2 cr)
B-SLE 502 African Christian Marriage (2 cr)
B-SLE 503 Eucharist, Theology and Celebration (2 cr)
B-CHE 500 History of the Church in AMECEA (2 cr)
B-PTE 500 Pastoral Management and Care of the Parish (2 cr)
B-PTE 501 Mission of the Christian Family in the New Evangelisation (2 cr)
B-PTE 502 Church and State Relationship (2 cr)
B-PTE 505 Environmental Questions in Africa (2 cr)
B-PTE 506 The Laity in the Life of the Church in Africa (2 cr)
B-STE 500 Spiritual Guidance: Theory and Practice (2 cr)
B-STE 501 Mysticism (2 cr)
B-JCE 500 Temporal Goods of the Church (2 cr)
B-JCE 501 Introduction to Sanctions (2 cr)
B-S 600 Independent Churches & New Christian Movements in Africa (2 cr)

B-S 601 African Personality in the Light of Revelation and Faith (2 cr)
B-S 602 Special Synod for Africa – 1994 (2 cr)
B-S 603 Theological Virtues (2 cr)
B-S 605 Mystagogical Catechesis (2 cr)
B-S 606 Work-Culture and Technology: An Approach to Evangelisation &
Works of Charity (2 cr)
B-PS 607 Evangelisation and Culture in Africa (Inculturation) (2 cr)
B-S 607 Marian Spirituality (2 cr)
B-S 608 Role of the Church in Human Development (2 cr)
B-S 609 Religious Christian Experience in Mass Media (2 cr)
B-S 610 Family: Subject and Object of Pastoral Action (2 cr)
AL-CL 101-102 Classical Latin I-II (2+2 cr)
AL-BG 201-202 Biblical Greek I-II (2+2
AL-BH 301-302 Biblical Hebrew I-II (2+2 cr)
AL-FR 101-102 French I-II (2+2 cr)
AL-IT 201-202 Italian I-II (2+2 cr)
AL-DE 301-302 German I-II (2+2 cr)

Contact Us

P.O BOX 62157-00200
Nairobi, Kenya6

+254 (0) 709 691201

Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

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CUEA is a premier private international university whose mission is to produce authentic leaders and upright members of the Church and Society capable of contributing to sustainable Development according to God’s plan.

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Our Programs
Certificate & Diploma
-Diploma in Theology
-Bachelor of Theology
-Baccalaureate in Sacred Theology
Master of Theology with specialization in;
-Biblical Theology
-Dogmatic Theology
-Spiritual Theology
-Pastoral Theology
-Moral Theology
-Sacred Liturgy
Licentiate in Sacred Theology with specialization in;
-Biblical Theology
-Dogmatic Theology
-Moral Theology
Doctor of Philosophy in Theology with a specialization in;
-Biblical Theology
-Dogmatic Theology
-Spiritual Theology
-Pastoral Theology
-Moral Theology
-Sacred Liturgy
Doctorate in Sacred Theology with specialization in;
-Biblical Theology
-Dogmatic Theology
-Moral Theology

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