+254 (0) 709 691-000 +254 (0) 709 691-000
Faculty of


Rev. Prof. Richard N. Rwiza

Call: 0709691201

he CUEA Faculty of Theology is under the direction of the Holy See, governed by the Apostolic Constitution Veritatis Gaudium and grants ecclesiastical degrees. The Faculty collaborates closely with the Congregation for Catholic Education – Rome, producing innovative graduates for the Church and Society. The graduates are employed in Church institutions, seminaries and houses of formation. The Faculty which attracts students from AMECEA region and beyond has continued its tradition of quality research and publishing through the Faculty Journal, African Christian Studies. The journal attracts researchers from within and outside the Faculty and CUEA Faculty members actively participate in conferences, seminars, public lectures and workshops in and outside the University.

The Faculty has also published quality books under the series, Studies in African Christian Theology. The Faculty Interdisciplinary Theological Session is held every year and proceedings are published.


  1. The Faculty has continued close collaboration with the Congregation for Catholic Education – Rome.
  2. The Faculty produces competent, productive and innovative graduates for the Church and Society. Some are employed in Church institutions, seminaries and houses of formation.
  3. The Faculty attracts students from the AMECEA region and beyond.
  4. The Faculty has continued its tradition of quality research and publishing through the Faculty Journal, African Christian Studies. The journal attracts researchers from within and outside the Faculty and CUEA.
  5. Students have researched, in their projects/theses/dissertations, on topical issues challenging AMECEA and beyond.
  6. Faculty members actively participate in conferences, seminars, public lectures and workshops in and outside CUEA.
  7. Faculty members are involved in community service in and outside CUEA. They facilitate pastoral, academic and spiritual activities.
  8. The Faculty has continued to publish quality books under the series, Studies in African Christian Theology through Rev. Prof. Emeritus Charles Nyamiti.
  9. Faculty Interdisciplinary Session is held every year and proceedings are published.
  10. Faculty Scholarship Fund: Established to assist needy students within the Faculty.
The Faculty enjoys the services of a modern Learning Resource Centre of The Catholic University of Eastern Africa which offers modern facilities in Research Teaching and Community Service.
  1. Faces of African Theology (2003)
  2. Theological Challenges of HIV/AIDS to Eastern Africa (2006)
  3. A Theological Response to the Tragedy of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons in Africa. Published (2007)
  4. The Church in Africa in Service to Reconciliation, Justice, and Peace (2008)
  5. Celebrating the Jubilee Year of Saint Paul (2009)
  6. “Faithfulness of Christ, Faithfulness of the Priest” 150 years of St. John Marie Vianney (2010)
  7. The Faculty of Theology of CUEA Celebrates the Golden Jubilee of AMECEA (2011)
  8. The Faculty of Theology of CUEA Celebrates the Golden Jubilee of the Convocation of Vatican II (1962-2012) (2012)
  9. A Guide to Research Work and University Studies for the Faculty of Theology (2013)
  10. Search for New Paradigms for Evangelisation in the 21st Century (2013)
  1. Studies in Africa Christian Theology: Volume One, Jesus Christ,
  2. The Ancestor of Humankind: Methodological and Trinitarian Foundations (2005),
  3. Studies in African Christian Theology: Volume Two,
  4. Christ, the Ancestor of Humankind: An Essay on African Christology (2006),
  5. Studies in African Christian Theology: Volume Three,
  6. Some Contemporary Models of African Ecclesiology: A Critical Assessment in the Light of Biblical and Church Teaching (2007),
  7. Studies in African Christian Theology: Volume Four,
  8. Christ’s Ancestral Mediation.

The Faculty of Theology of The Catholic University of Eastern Africa is aware of its aim of profoundly studying and systematically explaining, according to the scientific method proper to it, Catholic doctrine, derived with the greatest care from divine revelation; and of carefully seeking solutions to human problems in the light of that same revelation (Cf. Sap Chr Art.66.) It recognizes its duty to assist the local Churches in the challenging dialogue between faith and culture, between the Church and human society, between the Kingdom of God and the temporal realities through which the human family moves towards its final destiny. It has a role to play in implementing for Eastern Africa the dynamism of the Second Vatican Council. It has taken note of new developments since the approval of the Statutes of the Faculty of Theology by the Congregation for Catholic Education (Cf. Prot.N.279/81/E/107.)

Faculty Events and Activities

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8:00 am - 5:00 pmFirst Event

This is the Second event

8:00 am - 5:00 pmFirst Event

Contact Us

P.O BOX 62157-00200
Nairobi, Kenya6

+254 (0) 709 691201

Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

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CUEA is a premier private international university whose mission is to produce authentic leaders and upright members of the Church and Society capable of contributing to sustainable Development according to God’s plan.

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Our Programs
Certificate & Diploma
-Diploma in Theology
-Bachelor of Theology
-Baccalaureate in Sacred Theology
Master of Theology with specialization in;
-Biblical Theology
-Dogmatic Theology
-Spiritual Theology
-Pastoral Theology
-Moral Theology
-Sacred Liturgy
Licentiate in Sacred Theology with specialization in;
-Biblical Theology
-Dogmatic Theology
-Moral Theology
Doctor of Philosophy in Theology with a specialization in;
-Biblical Theology
-Dogmatic Theology
-Spiritual Theology
-Pastoral Theology
-Moral Theology
-Sacred Liturgy
Doctorate in Sacred Theology with specialization in;
-Biblical Theology
-Dogmatic Theology
-Moral Theology

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